White asparagus from Cimadolmo

White asparagus from Cimadolmo

Asparagus is one of the protagonists of spring cuisine. Those of Cimadolmo are appreciated for their sweetness and can be tasted accompanied by hard-boiled eggs, as tradition dictates.

White Asparagus of Cimadolmo I.G.P:
11 municipalities and 100 hectares of cultivation

The cultivation of Asparagus in the villages crossed by the Piave bed is a tradition deeply rooted in the history and culture of these areas, which dates back to the early Middle Ages. The climate, the soil made fertile by the silt left by the course of the Piave, the abundance of water and the passion of man have allowed the Cimadolmo White Asparagus to become the first asparagus to enter Europe with certification.

Cimadolmo, a small town in the Treviso area, is the home of white asparagus, a delicate shoot that embellishes the tables in spring, the season in which nature, awakening, becomes a riot of colors and scents that spread into the air.

An exception is this white alabaster vegetable, without nuances, tender and sweetish that delights even the most demanding palates, sometimes presenting itself as the only ingredient of truly exquisite dishes.
Behind this delicacy there is hard work, still done by hand by the farmers of the Treviso area who begin to harvest the delicate shoots early in the morning, almost at dawn. This is because the asparagus must not catch the light, on pain of green or pink reflections that would depreciate the product.

In 2001 the European Union awarded the Protected Geographical Indication to the White Asparagus cultivated in the 11 Municipalities located along the territory of Treviso along the Piave river: Cimadolmo, Breda di Piave, Fontanelle, Mareno di Piave, Maserada sul Piave, Oderzo, Ormelle, Ponte di Piave, San Polo di Piave, Santa Lucia di Piave and Vazzola.

Every year, between April and May, an exhibition-competition takes place that promotes and enhances the characteristics of this precious vegetable.

The main reference markets for the White Asparagus of Cimadolmo I.G.P. they are Italy, in particular Veneto, Friuli and the Milanese; abroad Switzerland, Austria, Germany. Another important area for retail sales are the United States and Hong Kong, where the white vegetable is particularly appreciated and sought after.

The White Asparagus of Cimadolmo is part of the food and wine heritage of Veneto.
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