The Gypsotheca Canova Museum wins the tender launched by the Italy Patria della Bellezza Foundation

MARCH 31, 2021
The Gypsotheca Canova Museum wins the tender launched by the Italy Patria della Bellezza Foundation
Which artist has sought and shaped beauty, if not Antonio Canova in his works, in his life?

Today this wealth preserved in the Gypsotheca Antonio Canova Museum in Possagno is awarded by the Italia Patria della Bellezza Foundation which recognized the value of the project presented in competition by the Museum, assigning a ceiling of 30 thousand euros with which to finance specific communication activities. New website with audio guide and integrated virtual tour, reconstruction of the internal didactic equipment and more among the objectives that the Canova Museum expressed in its project, resulting between the two winners: communication actions and different languages ​​to reach the widest possible audience to spread the “beautiful” Canovian.

“The last mile towards beauty”, as they like to define the plan in the “house” of Possagno, will see the light in 2022, the year of the Canovian Anniversaries, which will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the artist’s death and will be traveled with Otium, studio of integrated communication that has followed the Museum in various projects since 2019 and has conceived and designed the new graphic identity.

The Italy Patria della Bellezza Foundation is involved in the promotion of cultural heritage and its enhancement: four winning projects of the call were chosen from among the seventy applications received. Of the four, only two were financed with a cash prize: the Canova Museum in Possagno is in the company of the Sardinian Mudis (widespread Santadi museum).

The Antonio Canova Gypsotheca Museum has a very clear and recognizable identity. It is a treasure chest of beauty that holds a priceless heritage. With the communication and rebranding project presented at Fondazione Italia Patria della Bellezza, the intention is not only to make the identity of the Museum recognizable on all information supports and digital platforms, but to integrate the off and online channels with a view to enhancing and accessing the museum. . In fact, the project sees the creation of specific supports for the blind public, for an audience of children and young people and translations into different languages ​​for visitors from abroad.

“The positive relaunch of the Foundation”, in the words of President Maurizio di Robilant, “which began last year with the project on the Venetian Lazzaretti, is confirmed thanks to the success of this year’s Calls. These had an unexpected appeal, confirming the uniqueness of our operational proposal: the offer of professional support for the development of the communication lever that many third sector organizations struggle to implement. “

“Very often communication projects within museum institutions tend to overshadow the tasks dictated by heritage conservation, ISTAT data from 2019 tell us that only 51.1% of Italian museums have a website dedicated, while only 53% are adequately equipped to guarantee the accessibility of the collections and the usability of the collections for users with disabilities. By winning this award, we will have the opportunity to further appreciate our collections and make them more accessible to our visitors. Communicating our heritage allows us to know it and only through knowledge will we be able to understand its importance and take action to safeguard it. ” Concludes the Director of the Gypsotheca Museum Antonio Canova, Dr. Moira Mascotto.

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