Brenzone sul Garda, a small harbour and enchanting hilltop villages

Also belonging to the Riviera degli Ulivi is Brenzone, a municipality comprising no less than sixteen hamlets that stretch from the gentle shores of Lake Garda to the two-thousand-metre peaks of Monte Baldo in just a few kilometres.

Castelletto, Magugnano, Porto and Assenza are the largest hamlets that retain the characteristic urban layout of fishing villages gathered around the small harbour. If the economy was once sustained by a modest fishing activity, today it is tourism that is the main resource.

And then there are the mountains. Prada, another district of Brenzone, lies in the heart of Monte Baldo. From there, paths climbed up that were trodden in past centuries by farmers and woodcutters, and today it is fascinating to retrace those routes on foot or by mountain bike, or to ascend to the peaks with the Prada-Costabella lifts and enjoy the spectacle of the lake from above.

Among the historical and cultural attractions, the Romanesque church of San Zeno in the hamlet of Castelletto and the small church dedicated to San Nicola in the hamlet of Assenza are worth a visit. The medieval hamlet of Campo, now uninhabited, is also particularly picturesque.

The crystal-clear waters of Lake Garda and the constant winds also make Brenzone an ideal location for water sports such as sailing, windsurfing and kitesurfing, which attract a select clientele of tourists every year during important international sailing events.


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