“Andy Warhol: An American Artist” Exhibit in Chioggia.

"Andy Warhol: An American Artist" Exhibit in Chioggia.

The Department of Culture of the Municipality of Chioggia, in collaboration with the MV Eventi agency of Vicenza, presents the exhibition “Andy Warhol: an american artist” to be held at the Civic Museum of the South Lagoon from 1 June to 12 September 2021. The exhibition, curated by Matteo Vanzan, tells the revolution of the Pittsburgh genius through an exhibition of over 50 works that will be included in the Museum’s collection, creating a sensorial intertwining between material culture and contemporary art.

Vanzan explains: “Andy Warhol was the decisive artist in the artistic rebirth of the second half of the twentieth century: he changed the very concept of art by subverting the aesthetics of an entire generation. Through the exhibition, among others, of the famous works dedicated to Marilyn Monroe, Mao Zedong, Flowers, Dollari, Campbell’s Soup and Interviews, we will tell the intense story of a world made of communication and genius, business and consumerism in the central role of a Factory which has become a catalyst for the American artistic establishment ». “The exhibition itinerary – he continues – will consist not only of works of art but also of a narrow selection of videos, documentaries from the Factory and some films by the artist. Our goal is to tell the man before the artist, with all his neuroses and his insecurities “.

Mayor Alessandro Ferro comments: “Our city, which has always been a laboratory for popular artists with its characteristic streets, Korean bridges and canals, celebrates Andy Warhol’s Pop Art which, as a means of transmitting messages, can be captured by residents to rediscover the roots with the territory and by visitors to admire the many wonders, including fish markets, canals on which houses and palaces are reflected, beaches and much more, starting from its Museum “

The exhibition, with an entrance ticket of 4 euros, will be open to the public from 1 June to 12 September 2021 at the following times: from Tuesday to Sunday 10.00 – 13.00 and 18.00 – 22.00 (Saturday and Sunday by reservation only at telephone 041-5500911 or email: info.prenotazionimuseo@chioggia.org). (article from

The Department of Culture of the Municipality of Chioggia, in collaboration with the MV Eventi agency of Vicenza, presents the exhibition “Andy Warhol: an american artist” to be held at the Civic Museum of the South Lagoon from 1 June to 12 September 2021. The exhibition, curated by Matteo Vanzan, tells the revolution of the Pittsburgh genius through an exhibition of over 50 works that will be included in the Museum’s collection, creating a sensorial intertwining between material culture and contemporary art.

Vanzan explains: “Andy Warhol was the decisive artist in the artistic rebirth of the second half of the twentieth century: he changed the very concept of art by subverting the aesthetics of an entire generation. Through the exhibition, among others, of the famous works dedicated to Marilyn Monroe, Mao Zedong, Flowers, Dollari, Campbell’s Soup and Interviews, we will tell the intense story of a world made of communication and genius, business and consumerism in the central role of a Factory which has become a catalyst for the American artistic establishment ». “The exhibition itinerary – he continues – will consist not only of works of art but also of a narrow selection of videos, documentaries from the Factory and some films by the artist. Our goal is to tell the man before the artist, with all his neuroses and his insecurities “.

Mayor Alessandro Ferro comments: “Our city, which has always been a laboratory for popular artists with its characteristic streets, Korean bridges and canals, celebrates Andy Warhol’s Pop Art which, as a means of transmitting messages, can be grasped by residents to rediscover the roots with the territory and by visitors to admire the many wonders, including fish markets, canals on which houses and palaces are reflected, beaches and much more, starting from its Museum “

The exhibition, with an entrance ticket of 4 euros, will be open to the public from 1 June to 12 September 2021 at the following times: from Tuesday to Sunday 10.00 – 13.00 and 18.00 – 22.00 (Saturday and Sunday by reservation only at telephone 041-5500911 or email: info.prenotazionimuseo@chioggia.org).

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